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Image by Alessandro Bianchi


We thrive at the crossroads of management consulting and life coaching

People and technology are the two engines that move the world forward. WIth an interest in the close relationship between business and life decisions, Enrique Carral, founder and managing director of Renspire Group, shares business insights with a human angle, directed to top-performing business leaders and human beings.

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Having lived in four countries and speaks four languages, Enrique has strong experience in Ed-tech entrepreneurship, global business development, and management consulting.

As Founder and CEO of MUKTEK Academy, Enrique set up a platform to train new software developers in Mexico City, as well as to help companies find fresh tech talent. Prior to that, Enrique worked with Samsung Electronics (out of Seoul, South Korea) as a Global Partnership and Business Development Manager, establishing business relationships with Fortune 500 companies in the US and helping develop their LATAM components. Enrique also worked as a consultant for Samsung’s Global Strategy Group out of Seoul and for Kearney (formerly A.T. Kearney), out of New York, where he helped solve go-to-market, strategy, and operational CXO-level problems across several industries.

Today, Enrique works with high-performing clients as a Consultant and Life Coach. He is also the President of the Northwestern University Alumni Club of Mexico and a Member of the Business Model Committee of the NGO UNETE. During his free time, he focuses on his personal and creative development through singing, writing, reading, reflecting, and sharing forums. Enrique meditates daily and is convinced that discipline is the key to having a healthy lifestyle and achieving one’s goals.

Enrique holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering (cum laude) from Northwestern University, an MBA from London Business School, a certificate in Backend Software Engineering from The Iron Yard.

Image by Rohan Makhecha


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